Team Travel Source

Modify Your Reservation


How do I join the waitlist? 
If the hotel you’re requesting is sold out on the dates you need, you may be given the option to join the waitlist. If availability states Join Waitlist, you will be able to join the waitlist. You’ll complete the booking process like normal, including payment method. If the nights say Sold Out, you are unable to join the waitlist.

Why is the waitlist not available for the hotel I want? 
Some waitlists are turned off because the hotel has another large in-house group and cannot offer more rooms than what is contracted; it could also be due to the waitlist is full and no longer accepting waitlist reservations; or due to the proximity of the event.

Do I have to pay to join the waitlist?
No, it is free to join the waitlist!

If payment is not able to be confirmed when your night(s) become available, you will be given 24 hours to update payment method. Unfortunately, we are not able to hold the available inventory so please ensure your payment method is valid when joining the waitlist so that you’re able to be confirmed as soon as the night(s) are available.

When will my waitlisted reservation be confirmed?
We cannot confirm an exact time as to when the waitlist may be fulfilled. However, rest assured, we are working diligently with the hotel to secure your waitlisted request. Approximately 20 days prior to arrival, we will notify you if your waitlist isn’t going to be able to be confirmed. If you have any confirmed nights, you will have the option to keep those confirmed nights, removing the waitlisted nights. If payment is declined, all nights will be cancelled.

If your waitlisted reservation is confirmed, don’t forget to cancel any other existing TTS reservations if they are no longer needed!

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