Team Travel Source

Bec Marshall

Accounting Manager & Taco Bell Queen

Tell us about yourself.

I grew up in Louisville. I attended WKU and earned a bachelors degree in Mathematics. I have experience in Human Resources and Accounting. Later in life I earned a bachelors in Nursing. But I was drawn back in to the business world because I get along well with numbers! I joined TTS in 2021 and I’m looking forward to the future here. I have 3 grown kids and one fur baby.

Three words that best describe you.

Dependable, honest, fun-loving

What awards/recognitions if any have you received while working at TTS?

Essential Piece

To make the world a better place we should...

Love one another

Where did you go to school?

Western Kentucky University

Name of the person that inspires you the most.

My dad

What is your favorite memory of working at TTS?


What is the best thing about working at TTS?

The atmosphere

Which core value is your personal favorite and why?

Work Life Balance
It’s nice to not be consumed with work. It gives me time to focus on family and time to recuperate when I’m not working

What are your hobbies?

Jigsaw puzzles, hiking

Who is waiting for you at home?

Two of my kids – Meghan and Tyler and my sweet pup, Rory

Favorite Quote

"Tough times don't last, but tough people do!" - Robert Schuller

Bec Marshall
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